SAPUTO RANCH Experience Store Current Status and Future Prospects


With the gradual advancement of digital agriculture and the expansion of modern ranches, SAPUTO RANCH is actively promoting talent training programs to cope with future global development, and is committed to cultivating high-quality sales talents and management teams. The implementation of this plan not only reserves core talents for the company to expand in various countries and regions around the world in the future, but also delivers professional knowledge and service experience to the local market through authorized offline experience stores.


As of 2024, SAPUTO RANCH has successfully registered and opened 53 offline experience stores in various provinces and cities in Vietnam. These experience stores are not only an important display window for the SAPUTO RANCH brand, but also a key bridge for the company to establish closer ties with its members. Members can not only learn about the company's trends and product information through the online platform, but also go to the experience store in person to experience the development history, product quality and future plans of SAPUTO RANCH up close.


In the future, SAPUTO RANCH plans to set up at least one experience store in every urban area in Vietnam to ensure coverage of more regions and consumers. In this way, SAPUTO RANCH will not only further enhance the brand's influence in the market, but also deepen its connection with the local community. Through these experience stores, members and consumers can gain a deeper understanding of SAPUTO RANCH's sustainable development concept, agricultural digitalization process, and the actual operation of modern ranches. At the same time, the expansion of experience stores will also provide a broader practical platform for the company's talent training program, enabling employees to gain richer sales and management experience.


Not only that, SAPUTO RANCH has a bigger vision. In the next few years, SAPUTO RANCH plans to open direct-operated milk stores in major cities in Vietnam. These direct-operated stores will directly provide healthy, traceable, high-quality dairy products to surrounding members and consumers. Through this model, SAPUTO RANCH hopes that consumers can not only enjoy the high-quality experience of the product itself, but also participate in the entire process of the product from ranch to table, thereby further enhancing consumers' trust and loyalty to the brand.

This online and offline development model will more vividly present the core values and concepts of SAPUTO RANCH to the market. With the continued expansion of offline experience stores and direct-operated milk stores, SAPUTO RANCH will continue to lead the development trend of modern agriculture and dairy industry in Vietnam and even other international markets. By cultivating outstanding talents, providing high-quality products, and building modern ranches, SAPUTO RANCH is committed to becoming an industry leader in the future and bringing more green and healthy choices to the global market.


This plan is not only a strategic layout for the future development of SAPUTO RANCH, but also a practice of the company's social responsibility, allowing more people to enjoy a healthy lifestyle through SAPUTO RANCH while also contributing to the sustainable development of global agriculture.


+84 383805538

Level 14, 28 Freshwater Place,Southbank, Vic, 3006,Úc

SAPUTO RANCH[email protected]