The SAPUTO RANCH Social Aid Plan is a charity program initiated by the "RANCH Foundation" (full name: SAPUTO RANCH Sustainable Development Fund) to help special groups in society. groups in society, such as people with difficulties in life and people with physical disabilities, through warm concern and practical actions, we convey love and energy actively, and together build a more harmonious and beautiful society.

Time:July 15, 2024

Address:Dai Cat 1 Village, Ninh Phung Commune, Ninh Hoa Town, Khanh Hoa Province

Representative: Nguyen Thi Hong Lan

Other individuals/units collaborating: Commune Officer (Le Van Cua). Ms. Le Thi Mong Thuong, Nguyen Thi Thu Tien, Nguyen Thi Hong Thao, Le Thi Nhu Quynh, Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy


Nguyen Thi Hong Lan performed a touching act of kindness on July 15, 2024 at Dai Cat 1 Village, Ninh Phung Commune, Ninh Hoa Town, Khanh Hoa Province. This event marks the first month of association with SAPUTO RANCH and becomes a loving and warm charity event.

On the same day, Nguyen Thi Hong Lan helped contact Le Van Cua (commune officer), Ms. Le Thi Mong Thuong, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Tien, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Thao, Ms. Le Thi Nhu Quynh, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy Help 30 difficult families. These families received her kind gift of 10 kilos of fragrant rice, a box of noodles, a bag of sugar, a bottle of fish sauce and a bottle of cooking oil, filled with love and care.

Nguyen Thi Hong Lan said it is impossible to describe the happiness and joy of being able to help others. This event is not only a gift but also conveys her love and sense of responsibility to society. Each person who wanted to receive a gift had a happy smile that she hadn't seen in a long time, making her feel extremely satisfied.

Nguyen Thi Hong Lan promises to participate more in volunteer activities in the future, contribute more to society and strive to spread love and care. She believes that as long as people are willing to give and share, society will be filled with more warmth and beauty.

Nguyen Thi Hong Lan's actions are not only helping disadvantaged households but also a warm response to society, while demonstrating the social values of SAPUTO RANCH. We use our own actions to demonstrate our charity and create a more touching society for us. We hope to have more kind-hearted people like Nguyen Thi Hong Lan, together to fill the world with love and warmth.

In addition to social assistance programs, the RANCH Foundation also implements a number of initiatives that benefit society:

SAPUTO RANCH Sports Plan (ongoing): Promotes a healthy lifestyle and emphasizes team spirit as well as physical and mental health by organizing diverse sports events.

SAPUTO RANCH student support program (ongoing): Financial support for students facing financial difficulties to help them successfully complete their studies, change their destiny with knowledge and become good people. Outstanding talent has value for society in the future!

SAPUTO RANCH Talent Plan (ongoing): Nurture outstanding sales and management talents through authorized offline experience stores to prepare talent reserves for the development of digital agriculture digital SAPUTO RANCH in the future and expand modern farms in many different areas.

SAPUTO RANCH civilization plan (ongoing): Organize cultural exchange activities to inherit national culture and promote social responsibility and historical mission.

SAPUTO RANCH growth plan (in preparation): Stay tuned!


+84 383805538

Level 14, 28 Freshwater Place,Southbank, Vic, 3006,Úc

SAPUTO RANCH[email protected]